Danger Boy: Illustrations for a Bandaid Box
Danger Boy was born from a project assigned in my Senior Illustration class. The first step of this project was tuning into my childhood. I had to come to class with sketches and motifs that were personal to my family, my life, and the dangers of being a kid. The boxes were meant to target both parents and children, and illustrate activities that may require a bandaid. They couldn’t be too scary or dangerous, they had to be upbeat, and they had to be eye-catching.
I called my mom and together we brainstormed, but mostly just laughed about some of the “I guess they’ll learn on their own” stunts my brother and I pulled growing up. Falling out of trees, climbing onto the roof of our house, standing on top of the monkey bars, and skateboarding on our butts or belly’s down the driveway, the nicknames Danger Girl and Danger Boy were born. This character pays homage to all the trouble my little brother and I instigated that, in many cases, required a Bandaid to patch up a scrape or scratch.

Tyler School of Art and Architecture, Temple University
Senior Illustration 4111
Jason Kernevich